Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What To Do With Leftover Tiles

Ever wonder what you could do with those leftover pieces of tile from your last tile project? My future mother-in-law, Shannon, has slowly been collecting piles of tile from her father's home projects and after hauling tiles of each color, size and texture to each room in her house, we found out that they were just not going to work out anywhere. So, as always, she gave me one of her infamous inspiring pep talks to get me to come up with creative ways to use them besides for flooring or bathrooms.

So I went out to the piles of tiles stacked in their garage and let the ideas flow. Some ideas weren't going to work out simply because tile can be so heavy! In fact, note to those who do these projects, watch your fingers and toes! Nothing gives you a blood blister faster than pinching your skin between two pieces of tile! I figured out what I could do with them pretty quickly, although that could have been because I was sitting out in a garage during a Texas summer day!

I came up with four different projects to do, each taking about an hour to complete.

Tomorrow, I will post step-by-step instructions with pictures on how to create these tile projects!

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